Adelante 23/04/2024; 15.45-18.30h

Site visit: Impact Gaming room for children at Adelante

The Adelante hospital for children is performing research on the use of different techniques to assist patients in rehabilitating and/or improving their day to day physical skills. In the recently opened Impact Gaming room for children, different standard and adapted serious games are used to achieve this goal.

15.45-16.00h Welcome guests;
16.00-16.10h Status / actionplan ‘Project Impact Gaming’, Raf Sluismans, project manager
16.10-16.20h Introduction to the area of Impact Gaming in Rehabilitation;
16.20-17.20h Impact Gaming in action: we’ll experience what it’s like to live with disabilities and the ways gaming is of assistance in rehabilitation trajectories;
17.20-17.50h Paneldiscussion on the crossovers in between involved disciplines: what are the limitations, what are needs and interests of the involved parties and how could we bridge the gap while working on future collaborative projects; Participants in the discussion are: a therapist, a medical engineer, a member of the board of Adelante, a company, an alderman and the overall project manager.
17.50-18.30h Networking reception